Saturday, November 2, 2019

Welcome, and Big Side Note - There are only 53 Days Until Christmas!

Greetings Readers!

It's been bubbling in me to start up a blog of some kind. I thought of documenting how to get my dog to eat vegetables (vet recommended) but after two blog posts, I didn't see much left of the forest. (Hint: dunk anything in yogurt and he will eat it). With the recent influx of Christmas movies (a favorite of mine!), the idea came to me: why not blog about them? There are other romantics out there, secret and not-so-secret.
It might come as a surprise to some people that I am a romantic, and perhaps as you explore more movies, the romantic in you will spring up anew.

Christmas movies range from cookie-cutter, cheesy-cut (or is that the wrong expression? Cheesy, some are cheesy. Those can be fun, too.) Then there are other movies that are more ... vanilla. Chemistry is a big factor (goes without typing, but ya know), and hopefully most of the movies I come across have the more exciting elements.

I'll try to note when I've seen a movie previous to my review, and when I'm watching one for the first time.

Thank you for checking out this blog. I hope it inspires you to see movies you may not have watched before - and if there are movies you want to suggest, please comment.*


Please keep comments friendly, clean and uplifting. The same said for movies you recommend. Comments that don't follow the guidelines will be deleted. Thank you for helping keep this blog a safe space for chatting about movies we love, and have fun!